
“The participants made the difference”

On October 16th 2014, 25 of Europe’s most renowned pricing and profit optimisation professionals gathered at the beautiful The Squaire am Flughafen Hilton Hotel in Frankfurt, Germany. The report of the Executive Briefing's outcome (take a look at it here)is already available. But let’s focus on the people, how did the attendees experience the Chemicals Executive Briefing? 

We have been overwhelmed by positive reactions and feedback from our attendees, but also for us it has been an inspiring occasion to know we are on the right path towards the 2nd EPP Chemical Forum. Overall, attendees have rated the Chemicals Executive Briefing with a high score, and we are very happy to have passed with great distinction

These are some of the testimonials we have received from our valuable pricing professionals:

“It was a very good opportunity to get in contact with European pricing experts in the chemical industry and have lively discussions on trends and challenges in pricing.”

“All in all a very good meeting. Especially the participants made the difference. Having group discussions with those top experts was very inspiring and fun.”
But as always at the EPP we are aiming towards a 10/10-score. So if you were impressed by this event, you should certainly hold your breath for the 2nd EPP Chemical Forum. And  as figures don't lie, 8 out of 10 professionals will certainly be attending the next EPP Chemical Event.

Are you interested in being part as well? Click here to receive more information on the 2nd EPP Chemical Industry Forum, taking place on March 25 – 26, 2015 in Prague.

Take a look at the Chemical Executive Briefing report and learn about more about the topics that will drive the 2nd EPP Chemical Forum.

Or contact orisa.grajeda@pricingplatform.eu with any questions you might have!


10 industry insights that will drive the 2nd EPP Pricing Forum for the Chemical Industry

On October 16th, 2014, the EPP Chemicals Executive Briefing took place at the beautiful Hilton Frankfurt Airport Hotel in Frankfurt Germany.

The EPP Chemicals Executive briefing is an invitation-only event aimed to build a dialogue between CXO’s and top industry pricing experts on emerging pricing and commercial topics.  The derived outcome of this event, has provided us the breeding ground that will drive the topics for an innovative, inspiring and down-to-earth the agenda at the EPP Chemicals Forum 2015.

These are the 10 topics we will explore in further depth and demonstrate by meaningful case studies and with a premium speaker panel, the best practices and tools to increase profitability with smart pricing in an innovative world:
  1. Competences of pricing people;
  2. Sales team, pricing success & KPI’s;
  3. Pricing from customer insight;
  4. Transactional pricing;
  5. Pricing processes;
  6. Pricing maturity;
  7. Multi-channel pricing;
  8. Price & margin management;
  9. Value portfolio & commodity portfolio;
  10. Pricing segmentation / Pricing systems.

Want to learn more? Discover the full report here

During the 2nd EPP Chemical Forum 2015 you get the change to explore these topics in further depth by meaningful case studies and with a premium speaker panel, the best practices and tools to increase profitability with smart pricing in an innovative world.

Meet us on 25-26 March 2015 in the inspiring city of Prague, and don’t miss this unique opportunity to discuss the latest challenges and developments
in pricing and profit optimisation you are faced with right now. At the same time that you network, learn and exchange ideas with the most important pricing leaders of the chemical industry.

Be fast and benefit from the Early Bird now! Register here.


Vers l'excellence de la gestion de vos tarifs: le pricing base-valeur

13 Novembre 2014, Le Meridien Etolie, Paris

Les bonnes raisons de venir à cette formation
  • Découvrez en un seul jour comment le pricing base-valeur vous permet d’augmenter vos marges bénéficiaires sans perdre de parts de marché;
  • Mettez à jour vos compétences et faites connaissance avec l’approche pricing base-valeur, une approche nouvelle et systématique de la gestion des prix, appliquée avec succès par un nombre croissant de professionnels du pricing; 
  • Un sujet répandu dans l’actualité, et pourtant méconnu par les entreprises. Laissez-vous convaincre que le pricing base-valeur vous o re une panoplie d’instruments pratiques pour influencer vos marges et bénéfices.

Apprenez comment passer de votre pricing actuel à l’approche base-valeur
  • Comprendre et mesurer la valeur que le client attribue à votre o re et qu’il est prêt à payer;
  • Segmentation base-valeur et di érentiation conséquente de votre o ffre;
  • Comment capturer cette valeur en pratique;
  • Mise en oeuvre des bonnes pratiques de pricing (remises,o res);
  • Aspects psychologiques du pricing et communication des prix;
  • Outils d’analyse et méthodes de recherche;
  • Gestion des prix, organisation de votre processus de pricing.
A qui s’adresse notre formation
Direction Générale et Comité de Direction, Directeur Financier, Directeur des Ventes et Marketing, Directeur Pricing, Reponsable de Domaines, Cadres Commerciaux, Chef de Produits, Responsable Pricing, Analyste Pricing, Analyste Marketing, Analyste de Ventes

Vos interlocuteurs

Michael Hurwich
Julien Gubiani
SPMG France
Guy Reiners
SPMG Europe

349 € HT (jusqu’au octobre )
499 € HT (à partir du octobre )
Inscrivez-vous sur www.SPMGGlobal.com

Pour plus de renseignements, contactez
M. Julien Gubiani


SPMG en France est un organisme de formation
A ce titre, cette formation peut être prise en charge par votre
organisme de formation (OPCA, ...) Formation en français et en anglais