
There is no substitute for experience!

There is no substitute for experience! And Michael is indeed a very experienced market access specialist with a career spanning market access and pricing strategy consultancy,  global and UK affiliate-level pharma market access leadership roles and as a senior payer in hospital pharmacy and healthcare executive roles.
So the 6th EPP Life Sciences Pricing forum in Montreux is just the right occasion to invite Michael as the moderator for the forum.
“A good moderator helps to make the best connections - connecting the speakers and their topics with the audience and their expectations. In addition to being responsible for housekeeping, timekeeping and helping maintain the energy of the conference from the first presentation to the last, as the moderator it’s my responsibility to make sure that key themes and issues get picked up on, and that the questions that everyone is thinking about actually get asked and, more importantly, answered!”

And Michael has been able to follow the pricing maturity journey of these companies over the years.
“Looking back, since 2004 I think that life sciences companies across the board have matured significantly in their pricing capabilities, growing the ‘capable capacities’ of their pricing functions and raising their recognised value to their companies as they play vital roles in helping to address the constantly increasing pressures and demands of the different types of healthcare systems. I think EPP continues to play an important role in supporting this maturation of pricing across Life Sciences.”

When asked about challenges and opportunities in the Life Sciences companies, Michael adds the following:
“The Life Sciences industry faces an increasingly strenuous mix of challenges, from the demands of patient consumerism and the growing expectations of healthcare systems for it to deliver ever greater value and ‘more for less’, through the growing sophistication and complexity of the various payer systems, to the challenges of markets becoming increasingly interconnected, through price referencing and HTA networks.”

Can a forum like the EPP Life Sciences Pricing Forum contribute to realising these challenges?
“To help meet these challenges, the industry needs to be as well informed as possible, and with its high quality presentations and discussions on the most topical issues, together with a valuable opportunity to consider these issues with key leaders from the industry, the EPP forum helps greatly in this respect.”

And this is what Michael wishes for all attendees when they return back to their organisation!
“The best outcome would be for each and every participant to leave the forum with a few ‘golden nuggets’ to help them and their companies develop their pricing capabilities in the future - be they a solution to their problems, an idea to develop, a new development to learn more about, a better ways of doing something, or a valuable new contact who can help them to succeed.”
Want to learn about the topics to be discussed on the 6th EPP Life Sciences Pricing Forum, check the programme here.

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