
New EPP forum formats

We offer you specific session formats which meet your business information needs. Our sessions are aligned with best practice in unconferencing - read all about it on Wikipedia.  At EPP Forums, you are the designer of your forum : ask questions, give your opinion, get inspired, make a difference in your organisation.  Here is a taste of the new EPP AMAN 2014 Forum will look like.

Icon EPP Java Junction

EPP Java Junction

A cup of coffee after lunch is just the thing to reactivate your mind for the rest of the afternoon.  At the beginning of each forum day, topics you would like to address are gathered and structured according to themes. After lunch we tackle them in the EPP Java Junction. Per round table we discuss a separate theme. After a set time, you rotate to a new table.  The ultimate networking experience!

Icon EPP Think Tank

EPP Think Tank

Break out sessions during which a pricing practitioner brings his business case to the table in no more than 20 minutes. He poses 2 specific pricing-related challenges to the group, on which we brainstorm at round tables to come to concrete solutions and advice best on your specific industry experience. By sharing your knowledge with one another, you build a stronger pricing community and bring pricing maturity in Europe to a higher level!

Icon EPP Sound Clash

 EPP Sound Clash

Choose your side and start the debate. two opposing views pitched against each other or two opposing views discussing the same problem.  e.g. 2 companies, both successful but with diverging strategic focus.  Both have core products as well as aftermarket activities, but the one chooses to focus on profitable core product sales and delivers aftersales at very low prices or for free, while the other builds their customer base by selling core products with minimal margins and recuperating by a strong strategic aftersales pricing strategy.  Which is best for you and why?

Icon EPP Pricing ClinicsPricing Clinic 1-on-1

Do you have a burning question about pricing that you would like to discuss with one of our experts?  We have reserved 2 time slots on each day of the forum for free 1-2-1 pricing clinics.  Duration of each power session is 30 minutes.  To the point, practical advice from top pricing experts.  Topics defined for the AMAN 2014 sessions are:

  1. Life cycle pricing for spare parts (EXPERT)
  2. The value calculator: how to determine your value attributes and charge for them (EXPERT)
  3. How to accommodate a mid-price point or low-price point product in your historically high-price point strategy (EXPERT)
  4. Strategic pricing for bids/proposals/tendering/contracting (EXPERT)
  5. Pricing of extended warranty packages (EXPERT)
  6. Becoming a Certified Pricing Manager (EPP)

Deep Conversations

EPP Deep Conversations

You don't want to miss this!  We have invited a pricing thought leader to share in-depth viewpoints with you.  The author of one of the latest pricing books and a long term favourite EPP pricing personality... Keen to find out who?  I'll give you a hint... A Swedish company, more than 100 years old... Watch this space ;-)

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